“The translation of poetry as a didactic tool for multilingual teaching in Catalan as a Foreign Language: a proposal”, Appendices and full paper


This is the paper’s reference:

Calduch, Carme, Monferrer, Aina (2015) “The translation of poetry as a didactic tool for multilingual teaching in Catalan as a Foreign Language: a proposal”. Dins: Ibarra, Ballester et al. (eds.) Retos en la adquisición de las literaturas y de las lenguas en la era digital. València: Universitat Politècnica de València, pp. 125-129.

You can read the full paper from here (pp. 125-129):


Those are the appendices to the paper “The translation of poetry as a didactic tool for multilingual teaching in Catalan as a Foreign Language: a proposal”, written by Calduch & Monferrer for the 15th International Conference of the Sociedad Española de Didáctica de la Lengua y de la Literatura (SEDLL2014).

Appendix 1: Second worksheet with the English, Spanish, Italian and French translations of the poem, given to students in the second step to rebuild the original poem in Catalan based on these texts


Appendix 2: Resulting back translations of the different groups


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